Verifications helps you to increase your chances of getting selected, People will trust you if you have verified badges on your profile.
Verifications are issued when specific requirements are met. A green tick shows that the verification is currently active.
We noticed you want to receive notifications, but you don't have a verified email address listed on your account. Please add one to enable notifications.
We noticed you want to receive SMS alerts, but you don't have a verified mobile listed on your account. Please add one to enable free alerts.
We have reviews, badges and completion rates on every profile for both Taskers and Posters. It is to ensure that people you`re dealing with are trustworthy. It helps verify your identity, skill sets, and experience. That`s the only way we can make this community better.
To get CNIC verification badge on your profile, we recommend adding a genuine CNIC front and back picture.
After the verification process completes, your badge will appear on your profile.
Things you`ll need: